The form of the dancer has provided endless inspiration and is my emotional contact to the inner, silent contemplation of myself. My goal is for the viewer to experience a moment in the life of a dancer. My work captures the moments of a dancer’s contemplative silence. Either an internal silent moment before taking that giant leap onto stage or the intensity of an explosive movement onstage. Whether on the precipice of the next breathless moment of movement or of grace and connection with the self and audience, a dancer is the ultimate expression of the fullness of life.  My paintings may portray pretty pictures of a dancer but there may not necessarily be a pretty inner life. My life experience is portrayed in my work, a type of autobiographical narrative using dance and dancers.

“There are moments in a day, when we seem to see beyond the usual—become clairvoyant. . . Such are the moments of greatest happiness, such are the moments of our greatest wisdom”

Henri, Robert. “The Art Spirit.“ Lippincott Company. 1923.